Micro, small and medium-scale enterprises are significantly represented among businesses involved in formal and informal cross-border trade and non-oil export, but many are unable to participate competitively due to challenges in the business environment. To support efforts to effectively position Nigeria’s micro, small and medium-scale enterprises for the global market, Policy Development Facility Phase II organised a series of forums aimed at improving access to finance for non-oil exporters and at developing non-oil exports in Nigeria. This event report summarises the second forum in the series, and explores the challenges and opportunities in financing exports as well as the stakeholder actions required to develop non-oil exports in Nigeria.
Non-oil exporters dialogue on accessing finance (Forum 2)
File type: PDF
Number of pages: 31
File size: 697 KB
Associated resources
This is a presentation from the second day of the Trade Associations capacity building titled – Strengthening the structure of Trade Associations in the Non-oil Export sector for better Governance and Leadership. It covers Member Relations & Communication, Advocacy and Stakeholder Management, Fundraising & Financial Management as well as Leadership & Corporate Governance.
This event report summarises the third of a series of forums aimed at improving access to finance for non-oil exporters in Nigeria. It discusses the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement, trade policy negotiations and the trade policy environment in Nigeria, as well as financing options for exporters and steps to develop non-oil exports in Nigeria.
This event report summarises a non-oil exporters dialogue to discuss the findings of a study on exporter experience, the challenges exporters face in their day-to-day engagement with export processes and procedures, and areas of opportunity for growth of the non-oil export sector.
This event report summarises the fifth of a series of forums aimed at improving access to finance for non-oil exporters in Nigeria. It focuses on how exporters can gain access to foreign markets and conform to local and international standards.
A simple guide to business regulations and export processes in Nigeria.