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PDF Bridge Monthly Newsletter – Tenth Edition

We are happy to share the March special edition of the Bridge Digest with you. This edition features the official presentation of the Study To Inform The Ratification Of The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) by the PDF Bridge Programme Manager Dr Titilola Akindeinde to the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI), Otunba Richard Adeniyi Adebayo CON. This story and many more have been put together for your reading pleasure.

Capacity Building for Trade Associations (Day 2)

Trade Associations play a role in promoting appropriate policies, regulations, and necessary reforms relating to their sector of operations. They create opportunities for networking and consultations among industry players as well as being a voice when it comes to new regulations and legislations while encouraging best practices among its members. According to Peter Gomersall[1], trade associations exist to support their members and further their interests, to defend them when they are under threats and to promote a common position on issues affecting the environment in which they operate.

Given the foregoing, the PDF Bridge Trade Policy Workstream organised a two-day capacity-building session targeted at strengthening the leadership of non-oil export-related trade associations and improve on their business strategy to position them to take advantage of the opportunities in the non-oil export value chain. The sessions had in attendance delegates from government agencies such as FMITI, NAQS, FMARD, NOTN, CBN as well as executives of trade group drawn from various industries including agricultural commodities farmers, agricultural commodities exchange and aggregators, industrialists, agro-processors, women, and youth development groups, textile and apparel among other participants.


 Here is a link to Day 1 of the training.

Capacity Building for Trade Associations

Trade Associations play a role in promoting appropriate policies, regulations, and necessary reforms relating to their sector of operations. They create opportunities for networking and consultations among industry players as well as being a voice when it comes to new regulations and legislations while encouraging best practices among its members. According to Peter Gomersall[1], trade associations exist to support their members and further their interests, to defend them when they are under threats and to promote a common position on issues affecting the environment in which they operate.

Given the foregoing, the PDF Bridge Trade Policy Workstream organised a two-day capacity-building session targeted at strengthening the leadership of non-oil export-related trade associations and improve on their business strategy to position them to take advantage of the opportunities in the non-oil export value chain. The sessions had in attendance delegates from government agencies such as FMITI, NAQS, FMARD, NOTN, CBN as well as executives of trade group drawn from various industries including agricultural commodities farmers, agricultural commodities exchange and aggregators, industrialists, agro-processors, women, and youth development groups, textile and apparel among other participants.


A Roundtable Event on the Diversification Study and Non-Oil Export Opportunities for Nigerian States Post-Covid-19

The Policy Development Facility Bridge program (PDF Bridge) held a Trade Policy Roundtable to discuss the findings and recommendations from its recent study titled “Diversification and Non-oil Export Opportunities for Nigerian States Post-Covid19”.

The objectives of the policy roundtable were;

  1. To provide a forum for relevant stakeholders to learn about and discuss the findings from the Export Diversification study;
  2. Through discussions, generate recommendations on necessary actionable steps towards reforms, process restructuring, elimination of various challenges identified in the study, and implementation of the study recommendations.

Analysis of the Potentials of Nigeria’s Services Sector for Economic Diversification, Employment, and Foreign Trade.

A roundtable event on the potentials of exporting the services sector in Nigeria. At the Roundtable, it was noted that among business owners and exporters, there is little understanding of what services export entails. Many businesses engage in service exports but are not aware of this. Understanding the four modes of services – Cross border trade, Consumption abroad, Commercial presence, and Presence of natural persons – is important for business growth. To achieve this, stakeholders including the NEPC will need to conduct capacity building and sensitisation workshops for exporters, working with relevant business associations.